Each State and watershed data download is available as either a compressed file Geodatabase , Geopackage or a Shapefile (watersheds only). Both Files are compressed by using the .zip format and contain the following layers:
Wetlands polygon data - Version 2
Wetlands Project Metadata - Version 2 (includes image dates and project information)
Wetlands Historic Map Information
Riparian polygon data
Riparian Project Metadata (includes image dates and project information)*
Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) HUC8 modified**
If available at the requested location.
** Not included in State downloads.
Information about each of these layers can be found on our Metadata page.
Please update the following text in red below:
Each State and watershed data download is available as either a compressed file Geodatabase , Geopackage or a Shapefile (watersheds only). Both Files are compressed by using the .zip format and contain the following layers:
Wetlands polygon data - Version 2 Wetlands Project Metadata - Version 2 (includes image dates and project information) Wetlands Historic Map Information Riparian polygon data Riparian Project Metadata (includes image dates and project information)* Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) HUC8 modified**