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patch for v1.2.1 #20

Open pevandenburie opened 5 years ago

pevandenburie commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

I'm currently modifying the sm42-lrwan_v1.1.5.patch to adapt to v1.2.1 : changing files path, applying dos2unix, etc...

Unfortunately, the folders structure changed a lot, and moved from:



"Projects/{B-L072Z-LRWAN1, STM32LxxxRx-Nucleo}/Applications"

I understood AT_SLAVE is only for B-L072Z-LRWAN, but some files like "stm32l0xx_hw_conf.h"


is not anymore in "Projects/B-L072Z-LRWAN1":

find -name stm32l0xx_hw_conf.h

So I really don't know how to fix the patch here. Any clue?

USI-ShellyWu commented 5 years ago

The new patch for ST Irwan1.2.1 will be released soon.

pevandenburie commented 5 years ago

Ok great! Let us know ;-) Meanwhile is there some source code to share, even for a previous version? Indeed the en.i-cube_lrwan version 1.1.0 (corresponding to the patchs) is not available anymore for download.

AnTrii commented 4 years ago

There is ST I-CUBE-LRWAN 1.2.2 already, and it still doesn't support USI® I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1. And I cannot find the 1.1.5 sources anywhere. Anyone knows where to find I-CUBE-LRWAN compatible with I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1? Thank you in advance.

USI-ShellyWu commented 4 years ago

Patch for I-CUBE-LRWAN 1.2.2 can be downloaded from Please notice that AT-Slave application is removed in ST software kit.

AnTrii commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much!

pevandenburie commented 4 years ago

I followed the link to download I-CUBE-LRWAN and found out... they are now in version 1.2.3! ;-) I'll look whether current patch works anyway.

AnTrii commented 4 years ago

@pevandenburie, Write a comment on results, please, In case of negative, here is a link to archive with both ST I-CUBE-LRWAN v.1.2.2 and USI patch for it:

USI-ShellyWu commented 4 years ago

The patch for 1.2.2 can work in I-CUBE-LRWAN 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 both. Downlink: