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Problem with end-node application! #23

Open VelcoH opened 5 years ago

VelcoH commented 5 years ago

@USIWP1Module @USI-ShellyWu @USI-AndyChen

Hi, so I have tried running the end-node application in v.1.1.5, and v.1.2.1.

I'm using:

As following:

I have the same issue as this:

My application:

Once I flash the software onto the nucelo, the only thing that pops up in UART is OTAA DevEui AppEui AppKey

And nothing else.

USI-ShellyWu commented 5 years ago
  1. Connecting LoRa end node to a LoRa gateway, and sending sensor data. --> Did the LoRa gatewady get the sensor data successfully?
  2. Once I flash the software onto the nucelo, --> how to flash the software and which version is the software?
  3. Please provide the detailed: OTAA DevEui AppEUI APPKEY
VelcoH commented 5 years ago

Thanks for replying, @USI-ShellyWu.

Here are the answers to your questions:

  1. No, unfortunately, I was unable to connect to the LoRa gateway (look below).

  2. So, without using the patch. I used the version 1.1.5 and the project located at: "STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.1.5\Projects\Multi\Applications\LoRa\End_Node\SW4STM32\STM32L053R8-Nucleo\sx1272mb2das". Furthermore, I flashed the firmware onto the nucelo, without patching anything.

  3. The UART is shown below. After all this, nothing further happens.

OTAA DevEui= 39-38-34-32-71-37-91-09 AppEui= 70-B3-D5-7E-D0-01-D8-81 AppKey= FB CB 25 42 B7 39 68 49 CB 91 7E A6 1B 30 1F E1 VERSION: 44101150

My questions to you are:

  1. Do you need to use the patch to run the end node application?
  2. After I have applied the patch (v 1.1.5), do I flash the Nucelo board or USI extension board directly?
  3. The path "End_Node\SW4STM32\STM32L053R8-Nucleo\" has three different folders; "sx1272mb2das", "sx1276mb1las" and "sx1276mb1mas". Which one do I use?
  4. Can you provide me steps to run an end node application?
USI-ShellyWu commented 5 years ago

Yes, it is necessary to use the patch. For end node application, please check in the link: