USNavalResearchLaboratory / norm

NACK-Oriented Reliable Multicast (NORM) implementation & tools (RFCs 5740, 5401)
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New release with cmake #19

Closed mjvankampen closed 3 years ago

mjvankampen commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to get norm into conan to make it easier to consume. For that the cmake stuff helps a lot, thanks for letting that in. I would like to now consume norm in conan, but there is a strong preference for an official release.

Of course the previous release did not have cmake in there so to make this work I was wondering if another release would be possible?


Oh and a (possible) release is pending green build in conan, maybe I still have to do some cmake fixes

mjvankampen commented 3 years ago

Ok all green in conan which means cmake works in all kinds of flavours on mac, windows and linux.

bebopagogo commented 3 years ago

OK - I working a 1.5.9 release for this. I am making sure the current protolib master works without issue. I also have some updates to the experimental (but getting close to ready for broader use) NormSocket API extension. FYI - I hope to refactor the ZMQ norm_engine at some point to use this NormSocket code as it will enable relatively easy broader support for a wider range of socket types. It also provides a connection-oriented paradigm like TCP for both unicast and multicast where the server can transmit on a multicast group while each client has its own unicast NORM back channel to the server. I think that will be useful for ZMQ pub/sub where the server can keep track of the clients ...

bebopagogo commented 3 years ago

I published the 1.5.9 release that should satisfy this issue.

mjvankampen commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much! And the socket sounds nice!