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GOG Projections w.r.t. View Angle #105

Closed faculaganymede closed 4 months ago

faculaganymede commented 4 months ago

I have a GOG file with some annotations and equilateral triangles that I loaded into the scene. Below are two images captured from two different viewing angles. The annotations, "T" symbols, automatically rotate with respect to the camera. How do I get the triangles to also rotate automatically so they are always shown as equilateral triangles, regardless of the viewing angle?

Do I have to manually project the points of the triangles to the plane that's perpendicular to the line-of-sight?


emminizer commented 4 months ago

GOG creates shapes in the 3-D scene. They are earth overlays. As you change view pitch, the aspect angle will change on the GOG. The text auto-rotates to screen because there is a "right" way to do it. There's no "right" way to auto-rotate triangles onto the screen. You're looking for HUD graphics, which GOG does not provide.

This is less an SDK question and more a question of how to render graphics onto the HUD? Or, if you're looking at having an equilateral triangle centered at a given position on the earth, that would be a different type of graphic we don't currently support out of the box, you'd have to write code to do that.

faculaganymede commented 4 months ago

Thank you emminizer, appreciated your help as always.