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Information about .opt and .3db file formats? #20

Closed dannagle closed 6 years ago

dannagle commented 6 years ago

I was playing with SIMDIS model editor, and I saw it saves in opt. I've never seen that file format. Is there a specification for it?

I also saw some "3db" models. I thought those may be an sqlite 3 db, but I did not have much luck there either.


emminizer commented 6 years ago

OPT is a proprietary model format for the SIMDIS tool. It has been superseded by 3DB. Due to licensing restrictions on the models distributed with SIMDIS, we are unable to provide a tool to convert out of OPT, sorry.

dannagle commented 6 years ago

Does 3db have the same restrictions (proprietary, license restrictions, unable to convert)?

emminizer commented 6 years ago

Yes, sorry. The files that we distribute with SIMDIS have a license that only enable them to be used in the SIMDIS software toolkit.

dannagle commented 6 years ago

May I read the license for the models? Is it posted somewhere?

The only license I found is this one:

Thanks for your help and neat tool.

emminizer commented 6 years ago

Many of the models have different licenses. I am not involved in the licensing or development of the 3D models myself, and the person who is does not watch the GitHub page for the SDK (I think). This isn't really an SDK issue and I recommend creating an issue on the SIMDIS Help Desk at asking about specific models that you're interested in.