USPS / api-examples

87 stars 19 forks source link has a typo of "secondarayAddress" (extra a) in the example. #42

Open knyberg opened 2 months ago

knyberg commented 2 months ago

WARNING: Do not post secrets or personally identifiable information in this form

Describe the bug There is a typo in the Address API example: &secondarayAddress=NW

Should be spelled &secondaryAddress=NW

i.e., there's an extra 'a' inserted

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: try running the example instantiated with $TOKEN

Get the error below (emphasis added):

{ "apiVersion": "/addresses/v3/", "error": { "code": "400", "message": "OASValidation OpenAPI-Spec-Validation-Addresses-Request with resource oas://addresses_v3.yaml: failed with reason: [IGNORE - Query parameter 'secondarayAddress' is unexpected on path /address: [], ERROR - query parameter is unexpected : secondarayAddress: []]", "errors": [{"title":"openapi_validation_error","detail":"The API request or response does not validate against the specification.","source":"API"}] } }

Expected behavior {"firm":null,"address":{"streetAddress":"3120 M ST NW","streetAddressAbbreviation":null,"secondaryAddress":null,"city":"WASHINGTON","cityAbbreviation":null,"state":"DC","postalCode":null,"province":null,"ZIPCode":"20007","ZIPPlus4":"3704","urbanization":null,"country":null,"countryISOCode":null},"additionalInfo":{"deliveryPoint":"20","carrierRoute":"C036","DPVConfirmation":"Y","DPVCMRA":"N","business":"Y","centralDeliveryPoint":"N","vacant":"N"},"corrections":null,"matches":null}

Desktop (please complete the following information): Linux, CURL.