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question: bulk source of cpcs for granted plant and reissued patents? #75

Open mustberuss opened 5 years ago

mustberuss commented 5 years ago

Is there a bulk source of cpcs for granted non utility patents? The US_Grant_CPC_MCF files only have cpcs for utility patents. About half the plant patents in patft have cpc assignments (ex PP11728) and reissued patents in patft also have cpc assignments (ex RE46653).

I am a consumer of the patentsview api. They use the grant master files as their source of cpcs. As such, they do not return cpcs for plant or reissued patents.

bgfeldm commented 5 years ago

I believe Plant and Design Patents are still classified using USPC. And I have not heard of any public plans for them to move to CPC.

mustberuss commented 5 years ago

You are right about design patents. Plant patents are classified using USPCs and about half have also been assigned CPCs in patft. Try this search in patft cpc/A01H5/02 and apt/6 It currently returns 12,335 plant patents with that CPC. I was looking for a bulk source of them unless that is some sort of mistake.