USStateDept / State-TalentMAP

A comprehensive research, bidding, and matching system to match Foreign Service employees with the right skills to available posts and positions. API Layer -
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Positions by Geography Reporting #295

Open burgwyn opened 7 years ago

burgwyn commented 7 years ago


~~As a bidder, I need a map view of the post on the position details view So that I can visualize the geographic location of the position~~

Acceptance Criteria

jseppi commented 7 years ago

Where will the map data come from?

BrownCA5 commented 7 years ago

View by:

Bureau/Region Country City Post

burgwyn commented 7 years ago

Look at for inspiration

jseppi commented 6 years ago

Here's a collection of static map APIs that might be useful for discovery:

(Note that they all probably have usage policies)

wongperson commented 6 years ago

Will discuss existing overlap in OBC post profiles and bureau profiles at 12/14/17 brainstorming.

wongperson commented 6 years ago

Seeking further information on whether this is a necessary feature, given that the information and fidelity is likely available in OBC Post profiles.

BrownCA5 commented 6 years ago

@wongperson This is a necessary feature. Maybe not so much during the position search phased, however it will be when it comes to management reporting and metrics to visually see where we have vacant/filled positions, or demographics of workforce worldwide.

jseppi commented 6 years ago

@BrownCA5: A map visualization for reporting/metrics sounds like a bit of a different use case than a map for searching for positions. Maybe a separate issue should be created for that story?

BrownCA5 commented 6 years ago

@jseppi It may be easier for me to explain via a phone call. Yes, the metrics would be a different use case and story, but it would re-use the mapping capability developed under this user story to search for positions geographically.

krisdelacruz commented 6 years ago

@BrownCA5 @jseppi I apologize I was not able to attend the call. Chris I believe I know your perspective on utilizing a map visualization— I worked on a similar feature when I worked with the Air Force. As we continue our user research on the Bureau's and see their input on their experiences my hypothesis is that the Bureau is more concerned about "Position Preparedness" for example, "As an AF Bureau Rep I want to pull up TalentMAP and directly land on a Map Visualization so that I have a visualization of positions in a reporting/metric visualization"

My recommendation is to break down the process/flow in a Story Board exercise on how Bureau's will use the Map visualization and how Bidders would use the map visualization. Then we can collaborate with the @jseppi @burgwyn to see if we have the data sets/geo-location data and any other data we need to create a Minimal Viable Product on this visualization — focus on the UX first in sketch/wireframe form, test it with users, learn and repeat. Chris will this approach be okay with you?

BrownCA5 commented 6 years ago

@krisdelacruz Happy New Year! No worries, we know how busy you've been. Right, for example if we want to have a visualization to see how many vacant positions we have and where they're located the map should be able to let us know how distributed our workforce is. I like your proposed approach and agree.

krisdelacruz commented 6 years ago

Robin will show a visualization of Map. 5-10 minute session on FSBID map.

esgoodman commented 6 years ago

@burgwyn I'd recommend rewriting the original issue comment to reflect the updates to its scope.