USTC3DV / FlashAvatar-code

[CVPR 2024] The official repo for FlashAvatar
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请教一些论文细节,非常感谢 #15

Closed 3Der1999 closed 4 months ago

3Der1999 commented 4 months ago

您好,非常感谢项目的开源。我在阅读论文时遇到一些问题,可否请您解答一下: 1.论文中提到When expression changes, the corresponding 3D position of Gaussians can be obtained by weighting vertex coordinates using fixed barycentric coordinates,这是handle表情变化的情况。那flame pose改变时(比如人扭头),如果UV map不变,和UV map绑定的GS是不是就和Flame模型的顶点对不上了? 2.在Sec4.2开头,We denote the centers of mesh-attached Gaussians as µ_M and corresponding positions on canonical mesh µ_T. 请问这里的µT是什么,是uv map上和µM距离最近的点所对应的Flame顶点吗?

xiangjun-xj commented 4 months ago
  1. Change of flame pose won't influence the mesh topology and UV correspondence.
  2. In our settings, "canonical" means neutral expression.