UT-Austin-RPL / Coopernaut

Coopernaut: End-to-End Driving with Cooperative Perception for Networked Vehicles
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Collect RGB or RGBD images from front camera #6

Closed gaopeng5 closed 1 year ago

gaopeng5 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing this amazing work!

I found the simulation can also set up front view Stereo Camera, could you please let me know how to record these images ?

cuijiaxun commented 1 year ago

Hi, You can set up the front-view camera, the main changes are: Step 1: In https://github.com/hangqiu/AutoCastSim/blob/5b6a5bdc591c01c6111f4de1c5af48fecd5117bf/AVR/DataLogger.py#L288 Add something like the following lines:

if 'Front' in name:
    format = '.png'
    if ego_vehicle_id_str in name:
        data[1].save_to_disk(os.path.join(episode_path, name, data_point_id.zfill(5) + format))

Step 2: In https://github.com/hangqiu/AutoCastSim/blob/5b6a5bdc591c01c6111f4de1c5af48fecd5117bf/AVR/autocast_agents/simple_agent.py#L100-L109 Micmiking L100-L109, add ad sensor with id 'id=FrontRGB'. Example Code, you can simply modify :

            {'type': 'sensor.camera.rgb', 'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 0.0, 'roll': 0.0, 'pitch': 0.0, 'yaw': 0.0,
             'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'fov': 100, 'id': 'FrontRGB'},

(You should modify the width and height based on your need as this high resolution takes large storage.) Let me know by @ me if you have further questions.

gaopeng5 commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much, Jiaxun! That works.

gaopeng5 commented 1 year ago

I just found a follow-up question, when I run the following command, it seems like only the ego vehicle can collect rgb data. Could you please help with it? Many thanks!

python3 AutoCastSim/parallel_scenario_runner.py \ --agent AutoCastSim/AVR/autocast_agents/simple_agent.py \ --reloadWorld \ --port 2001 \ --trafficManagerPort 3123 \ --mqttport 4884 \ --bgtraffic 30 \ --num-workers 1 \ --file --sharing \ --benchmark_config benchmark/scene6.json \ --commlog \ --full \ --hud \ --passive_collider \ --outputdir ./results \ --resample-config 'random_uniform' \ --num-config 12

cuijiaxun commented 1 year ago

That's because we only record ego RGB data by default https://github.com/hangqiu/AutoCastSim/blob/5b6a5bdc591c01c6111f4de1c5af48fecd5117bf/AVR/DataLogger.py#L289-L300 One way to work around this is removing the condition:

if ego_vehicle_id_str in name:

for the code we added, and same thing for other RGB cameras https://github.com/hangqiu/AutoCastSim/blob/5b6a5bdc591c01c6111f4de1c5af48fecd5117bf/AVR/DataLogger.py#L289-L300

gaopeng5 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the help!