Python package for data-consistent stochastic inverse and forward problems.
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TODO: fix parallel loading of sample sets #344

Closed mathematicalmichael closed 5 years ago

mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

related to #333 and perhaps others.

I think I found the source of the bug... line 140 in sample.py:

            os.path.dirname(file_name), "proc{}_0".format(
        return load_sample_set_parallel(file_name, sample_set_name)

Probably should be proc0_{} I'm still mid-investigation, but I wanted to put this down here.

mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

However, while that does trigger the conditional statement, the parallel loading fails because the number of processors no longer matches the number of items found by glob.

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-e685ff89c9b6> in <module>
----> 1 s_set = sample.load_sample_set('test_save')

~/work/BET/bet/sample.py in load_sample_set(file_name, sample_set_name, localize)
    140             os.path.dirname(file_name), "proc0_{}".format(
    141                 os.path.basename(file_name)))):
--> 142         return load_sample_set_parallel(file_name, sample_set_name)
    144     mdat = sio.loadmat(file_name)

~/work/BET/bet/sample.py in load_sample_set_parallel(file_name, sample_set_name)
    212         # otherwise gather the data from mdat and then scatter
    213         # among the processors and update mdat
--> 214         mdat_files_local = comm.scatter(mdat_files)
    215         mdat_local = [sio.loadmat(m) for m in mdat_files_local]
    216         mdat_list = comm.allgather(mdat_local)

mpi4py/MPI/Comm.pyx in mpi4py.MPI.Comm.scatter()

mpi4py/MPI/msgpickle.pxi in mpi4py.MPI.PyMPI_scatter()

mpi4py/MPI/msgpickle.pxi in mpi4py.MPI.Pickle.dumpv()

ValueError: expecting 1 items, got 2
mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

I believe the expected behavior (correct me if I'm wrong) is that if I send off work to multiple processors and save at the end, it saves the chunks, then if I load them back in serial, rather than manually stitching the sample sets back together with merge, the conditional statement that is now being triggered should return a fully "merged" sample set that it got from loading from all the processors.

right now it's trying to scatter 2 objects to a single processor and getting a warning back. I will use try/except ValueError to bypass it... fingers crossed.

mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

and now that I've managed to sneak around the errors, I'm realizing that load_sample_set_parallel returns nothing. I think once I fix that we'll be good to go.

mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

changes made: append instead of extend the list, return loaded_sample_set now load_sample_set in serial will go grab the appropriate parallel files and merge them.

I have only thus far checked for correct merging of _values and will ensure all other attributes are merged correctly before submitting a PR (frankly it might just make it in as part of another PR I'm planning).

How can we write tests to ensure this behavior is consistent/correct?

mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

Run the top in parallel, bottom in serial.

import bet.sample as sample
import numpy as np

sset = sample.sample_set(2)
# np.random.seed(0)
sample.save_sample_set(sset, 'test_save')

s_set = sample.load_sample_set('test_save')
# s_set.local_to_global()
mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

vectors seem to load and merge appropriately but other properties do not. for example, _dim becomes array(2) instead of the original 2 ... seems like an easy fix.

then I have to go deal with the same version of this for discretizations as well. There are a few attributes I introduced that are not vectors that will need to be copied over (likely just save and inherit to/from the root worker).

mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

I have to save a scipy.distribution object and I don't think that will quite work with the dictionary saving since it will only take strings/arrays.

I see that new_mdat[sample_set_name + '_sample_set_type'] = str(type(save_set)).split("'")[1] kind of handles this by just saving the string for re-use later on with loading. I think I'll have to do that with re-instantiating the distribution object.

mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

So far it does not seem like the fix to the proc typo addressed #333 . Still failing for n>2

mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

TODO: create an 'extract information' function that plays nice with all the various distributions we may have to load/save. have had to re-use it twice already (serial and parallel loading of sample sets). Will need to again for predicted/observed in _setup, so it's worth making a function for it... perhaps part of this is also a function that appropriately unpacks dictionary items into new key-entries for the mdat file with format sample_set_name+ "_" + key, and when unpacked, strips of all unnecessary characters. This gets used for the keys in kwds for distributions, and will also get used for setup.

mathematicalmichael commented 5 years ago

addressed by https://github.com/UT-CHG/BET/pull/355, closing now