UTCSheffield / thelongwellwalk

"The Backpack of Awesome" Raspberry Pi based system for recording and transmitting data from a lone long distance walker. Being built for http://thelongwellwalk.org/
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

Research flexible Pi Camera cables #11

Closed mr-eggleton closed 10 years ago

mr-eggleton commented 10 years ago

Need to talk to @Pimoroni about pi camera cabling.

mr-eggleton commented 10 years ago

@pimoroni sell camera cables upto 50cm long http://shop.pimoroni.com/collections/accessories/products/raspberry-pi-camera-cable I'd prefer something more flexible.

EdwardA commented 10 years ago

I have seen cables that go up to 1m on eBay but they still have the problem of breaking if they are bent too much, would it be best to make our own adapter and using very flexible wires for most of it?

mr-eggleton commented 10 years ago

I agree, can someone research adapters that will do this job.

mr-eggleton commented 10 years ago

Moved the camera into the raspberry pi box so got rid of this issue.