UTCSheffield / thelongwellwalk

"The Backpack of Awesome" Raspberry Pi based system for recording and transmitting data from a lone long distance walker. Being built for http://thelongwellwalk.org/
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

Do we need the seperate video camera instantly available? #12

Closed mr-eggleton closed 10 years ago

mr-eggleton commented 10 years ago

If the shoulder strap camera could swap from timelapse to video instantly would we need the Go Pro etc. out all the time? Because if we hide the Raspberry camera well could we just use that when we are concerned about security and when we want instant recording? Also we wouldn't need to keep the Go Pro etc. attached to the power all the time adding flexiblity.

mr-eggleton commented 10 years ago

Liam likes this idea. We should make the RPi camera do both timelapse & video