UTCSheffield / thelongwellwalk

"The Backpack of Awesome" Raspberry Pi based system for recording and transmitting data from a lone long distance walker. Being built for http://thelongwellwalk.org/
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

protect the camera from static #17

Open 10machina opened 10 years ago

10walkerm commented 10 years ago

Wouldn't wrapping it in rubber or some other electrical insulator solve this problem? Or we could just, y'know, put a wire between Liam and the camera which shocks him every so often...

10crapperg commented 10 years ago

use sugru its a playdohy thing that becomes a solid form when left out and its cheap and available on the internet.

10crapperg commented 10 years ago

heres a link http://sugru.com/buy/?gclid=CIfFpInC7LsCFTDMtAodXAMA2w

mr-eggleton commented 10 years ago

When ever about to use any of the raspberry pi electronics please ground yourself. This can come by using either an anti-static wrist band or touching a grounded metal object e.g. metal pipes along the ceiling in the IT base.