UTCSheffield / thelongwellwalk

"The Backpack of Awesome" Raspberry Pi based system for recording and transmitting data from a lone long distance walker. Being built for http://thelongwellwalk.org/
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

Time lapse program specs. #21

Closed 10senderst closed 10 years ago

10senderst commented 10 years ago
10penab commented 10 years ago

•Every minute we split the video and also store when anything interesting happened (from the record button) a little while later we discard minute long files when nothing interesting happened (possibly keeping 5 minutes before and a few after each button press).

http://picamera.readthedocs.org/en/release-0.8/api.html#picamera.PiCamera.split_recording http://picamera.readthedocs.org/en/release-0.8/recipes2.html#capturing-images-whilst-recording

EdwardA commented 10 years ago

in my opinion I think we should make it so it stays recording until we tell it to stop because if anything interesting is happening after 5mins (or however long) it will not be recorded

mr-eggleton commented 10 years ago

Every minute we split the video and also store when anything interesting happened (from the record button) a little while later we discard minute long files when nothing interesting happened (possibly keeping 5 minutes before and a few after each button press).

mr-eggleton commented 10 years ago

All the research is here #2

stretchyboy commented 10 years ago

Had to switch to a ring buffer. Now we are constantly taking video but not always saving it when the button is pressed the last 15 seconds gets saved and video is streamed to file.