UTCSheffield / thelongwellwalk

"The Backpack of Awesome" Raspberry Pi based system for recording and transmitting data from a lone long distance walker. Being built for http://thelongwellwalk.org/
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

LED Output Codes #31

Closed stretchyboy closed 10 years ago

stretchyboy commented 10 years ago

Need to decide on and code the Status lights.

No Lights = Broken Red = Disk space Too low, video will not record Green = OK Green flashing yellow = Recording video (just my current hack as we have a broken blue line)

stretchyboy commented 10 years ago

Editor to work on this


stretchyboy commented 10 years ago

Need a code for loadaverage hi using os.getloadavg() which returns (1.1200000000000001, 1.0600000000000001, 0.79000000000000004) need something that signals that we are above 1 (which warns if video making it all run too hard)

stretchyboy commented 10 years ago

New Plan

Constant colour = mode Off = Not running Red = Disk space too low, audio & video will not record green = Timelapse mode cyan = Audio recording Blue = Video recording

Warnings flash over the constant light

Flashing Magenta = CPU too stressed Flashing white = Transferring Flashing Red = Disk space too low, video will not record Flashing Yellow = Disk space getting low