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Add Lando services for install and htaccess #14

Open UTCGilligan opened 1 year ago

UTCGilligan commented 1 year ago

As in UTCBlogsMultisite:

      - cd $LANDO_MOUNT && composer install
      - cd $LANDO_MOUNT && cp htaccess.example .htaccess
      - cd $LANDO_MOUNT && cp user/config-sample.php user/config.php

Htaccess gets built during the YOURLS install script, so see what command runs it and see if it can be scripted for #3 Deployment.

Config will require environment variables #3 for local, test, prod; maybe hold that until later.

Are there any others needed for initial install?

UTCGilligan commented 7 months ago

At this point, deploy is relatively easy (but manual):