UTD-CRSS / exploreapollo-api

API server for the exploreapollo.org application
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Write script to mass import images #30

Open austinpray opened 8 years ago

austinpray commented 8 years ago

We have a ton of public domain images available to us: https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/albums/

We need a script that, for each image in a particular album of images:

nrajasombat commented 8 years ago

Just so we're on the same page, am I writing a script to move photos from flickr to S3?

austinpray commented 8 years ago

Well more importantly: importing the photos and associated metadata from Flickr into our application.

  1. Grab the info: https://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.galleries.getPhotos.html
  2. Download the photo and reupload to our project's S3 container
  3. Create a media object in our app via the API. Load the media object's fields with the fields from the Flickr photo.