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Discuss Initial Interface Mockup #4

Open austinpray opened 8 years ago

austinpray commented 8 years ago

Let's start discussing and dissecting what the interface will look like.

Here are some initial requirements from the meeting notes:

We also have http://www.firstmenonthemoon.com/ to reference. However we have a much different problem on our hands since we have a variable number of timelines that can be played at once. Detailed ideas are in https://github.com/UTD-CRSS/Apollo-Project-Documentation/blob/7af926012535f59c7de2fb4eb95862513cff7c82/requirements/T1-Database.markdown

Anyone want to take a stab at "whiteboarding" some ideas? Examples of similar applications that solve the multi-track problem?

austinpray commented 8 years ago

Anyone want to spearhead this? This week is pretty busy for me.

nicolemon commented 8 years ago

I can take a stab at sketching something to bring to Friday's meeting, and bringing some of my findings regarding the multi-track problem.

austinpray commented 8 years ago


Just a starting place

VictorK1902 commented 8 years ago

Are we using four panels (as seen above) for individual channel? Could it be more or less and whats the maximum number of channels allowed to be toggled on at any instance?

austinpray commented 8 years ago

I shouldn't have put the individual divisions in there. I really should have just put a box with a caption "I don't know".

I say keep the maximum number of channels arbitrary. Anywhere from 0 to 30 channels.

I put @JamieCrisman in charge of owning the wireframes, so I'll defer to him as far as figuring out he exact shape and form of the channel viewer.

I think it can start very simple. Each channel has a

At this exact moment: let's not worry about setting up the live transcript.

I know @JamieCrisman had an example Japanese language translation app thing that was interesting as an example.

JamieCrisman commented 8 years ago

My thought is if we can avoid having multiple timelines, we should try to strive for that just because I think having more adds complexity/confusion. I think it'd work well if we are looking at the page and it's basically like a chat conversation that's unfolding in front of us.

we should just have this be some sort of hook into a slack and bots will just recreate all the conversations. (kidding)

Here's a web app that had an interesting concept of tying timelines to audio tracks. here's a few videos of it. Their app is for studying/listening practice for Japanese.




Actually, I need to think more on multiple timelines. Because it'd be nice to see certain timelines with relevant people and then be able to switch to those audio streams (and maybe transcript data can just keep going and you can switch if you see something interesting on another timeline?)