UTHSCSA-CIRD / datafinisher_backup

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Thoughts about making the config file more user friendly. #1

Open bokov opened 8 years ago

bokov commented 8 years ago

Background: config file requires deployers of DataFinisher to write SQL fragments. Many of them can be replaced with references to re-usable boilerplate. This ticket, as other tickets outside our internal tracker at this time, is more for documentation purposes than for a specific task. It will be closed when this feature is implemented.


def riget(self,value,recur=3):
  """ self.shortcuts is a dictionary attribute that we will have 
       added to the ConfigParser class already
       self.refrxp is a compiled regular expression attribute that
       we will have added to the ConfigParser class already
  if recur == 0: return(value)
  recur -= 1
  if value in self.shortcuts.keys():
    return self.riget(self.shortcuts[value],recur)
  hits = self.refrxp.search(value)
  if len(hits) == 0:
    return value
  replacements = [self.riget(self.get(ii[section],ii[option]),recur) for ii in hits]
  for ii in replacements: self.refrxp.replace(value,ii)

Sample config sections (assuming a self.shortcuts of {'AAA':123,'BBB':'foo:optC'}):

# to prevent df.py from trying to interpret section as part of the rules
in_use = -1
optA = simple value
# substitute in value from bar section
optB = ${bar:optX}
# substitute in value from same section
optC = the zebra returns a ${foo:optA}
# valid but useless... will return a literal ${foo:optD}
optD = ${foo:optD}

in_use = -1
optX = another simple value
# multiple substitution, some of it several levels deep (but less than 3)
optY = the giraffe also returns a ${foo:optA} and ${foo:optB} and then ${foo:optX}
# cannot combine shortcuts with other stuff, returns 123
optZ = AAA
# returns 'the zebra returns a simple value'
optZZ = BBB

...there, got it out of my head, hopefully I can get some peace now.

bokov commented 8 years ago

Bleah. Tried to write my first doctest, but can't get it to be recognized by doctest.testmod(). On the other hand, if I manually execute these commands, the results match the ones shown here and are what they should be.

        This one iterates over all the options in the 'foo' section (except 'in_use')
        >>> [cnf.rxget(cnf.get('foo',ii)) for ii in cnf.options('foo') if ii != 'in_use']
        ['simple value', 'another simple value', 'the zebra returns a simple value', 'the water buffalo likes to cuddle with the gazelles']
        Ditto for 'foo_subfoo'. Note the circular reference for foo_subfoo:opte, on which rxget()
        eventually gives up and returns the raw value.
        >>> [cnf.rxget(cnf.get('foo_subfoo',ii)) for ii in cnf.options('foo_subfoo') if ii != 'in_use']
        ['${foo_subfoo:optE}', 'the water buffalo likes to cuddle']
        Ditto for 'bar'
        >>> [cnf.rxget(cnf.get('bar',ii)) for ii in cnf.options('bar') if ii != 'in_use']
        ['another simple value', 'the giraffe also returns a simple value and another simple value and then another simple value']
        Testing out shortcut replacement
        >>> [cnf.rxget(ii) for ii in cnf.shortcuts]
        ['left join (select pn,', 'left join (select distinct pn,sd,', 'left join (select pn,sd,']

Long story short, you can now interpolate multiple places in the same string having the pattern ${foo:bar} where foo is any config section and bar is any option in that section. You can also interpoalate a few selected magic words, or shortcuts.