UTNAK / kepler16b-using-imce-vocabulary

Forked from a demo project for the openCAESAR platform
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15 adding kill task #19

Closed UTNAK closed 1 month ago

UTNAK commented 1 month ago

Checklist before submitting a merge request

Description of contribution

add a gradle task that execute a command below which forces to stop fuseki server.

 kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:3030) 

below codes are added in build.gradle file

task stopKillServer(group:"vision") {
    doLast {
        def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
            // for mac
            commandLine  "sh", "-c", "kill -9 \$(lsof -t -i:3030)"
            standardOutput = stdout;
        println "Output: $stdout"


Testing performed

How to Test Expected functionality changes

Run tasks using oml-vision

  1. Run build
  2. Run load
  3. Run stopKillServer
  4. Verify that fuseki server is terminated. (access to http://localhost:3030)