Query:- May I know what should be the safe range for queue size in ros2 publisher? considering the sensor rate is 500hz (claimed).
Reason:- continuous message loss issue.
// Set up ROS publishers
auto node = std::make_shared("netft_node" + last_digit);
const rclcpp::QoS qos(100);
rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr ready_pub = node->create_publisher("netft_ready" + last_digit, qos);
rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr geo_pub = node->create_publisher("netft_data" + last_digit, 500);
Query:- May I know what should be the safe range for queue size in ros2 publisher? considering the sensor rate is 500hz (claimed). Reason:- continuous message loss issue. Image:-
// Set up ROS publishers auto node = std::make_shared("netft_node" + last_digit);
const rclcpp::QoS qos(100);
rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr ready_pub = node->create_publisher("netft_ready" + last_digit, qos);
rclcpp::Publisher::SharedPtr geo_pub = node->create_publisher("netft_data" + last_digit, 500);