Open hxqup opened 2 years ago
@hxqup same here, then I made the following changes, now its working fine,
void NetftUtils::netftCallback(const geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped::ConstPtr& data)
// Filter data
std::vector<double> tempData;
tempData.resize(6); = -data->wrench.force.x; = data->wrench.force.y; = data->wrench.force.z; = -data->wrench.torque.x; = data->wrench.torque.y; = data->wrench.torque.z;
if(isFilterOn && !newFilter)
// Copy tool frame data. apply negative to x data to follow right hand rule convention (ft raw data does not)
raw_data_tool.header.stamp = data->header.stamp;
raw_data_tool.header.frame_id = ft_frame;
raw_data_tool.wrench.force.x =;
raw_data_tool.wrench.force.y =;
raw_data_tool.wrench.force.z =;
raw_data_tool.wrench.torque.x =;
raw_data_tool.wrench.torque.y =;
raw_data_tool.wrench.torque.z =;
// Copy in new netft data in tool frame and transform to world frame
transformFrame(raw_data_tool, raw_data_world, 'w');
copyWrench(raw_data_world, tf_data_world, zero_wrench);
copyWrench(raw_data_tool, tf_data_tool, zero_wrench);
if (isGravityBiased) // Compensate for gravity. Assumes world Z-axis is up
// Gravity moment = (payloadLeverArm) cross (payload force) <== all in the sensor frame. Need to convert to world later
// Since it's assumed that the CoM of the payload is on the sensor's central axis, this calculation is simplified.
double gravMomentX = -payloadLeverArm*tf_data_tool.wrench.force.y;
double gravMomentY = payloadLeverArm*tf_data_tool.wrench.force.x;
// Gravity moment = (payloadLeverArm) cross (payload force)
// Subtract the gravity torques from the previously-calculated wrench in the tool frame
tf_data_tool.wrench.torque.x = tf_data_tool.wrench.torque.x - gravMomentX;
tf_data_tool.wrench.torque.y = tf_data_tool.wrench.torque.y - gravMomentY;
// Convert to world to account for the gravity force. Assumes world-Z is up.
//ROS_INFO_STREAM("gravity force in the world Z axis: "<< payloadWeight);
transformFrame(tf_data_tool, tf_data_world, 'w');
tf_data_world.wrench.force.z = tf_data_world.wrench.force.z - payloadWeight;
// tf_data_world now accounts for gravity completely. Convert back to the tool frame to make that data available, too
transformFrame(tf_data_world, tf_data_tool, 't');
if (isBiased) // Apply the bias for a static sensor frame
// Get tool bias in world frame
geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped world_bias;
transformFrame(bias, world_bias, 'w');
// Add bias and apply threshold to get transformed data
copyWrench(raw_data_world, tf_data_world, world_bias);
// else // Just pass the data straight through
// {
// copyWrench(raw_data_world, tf_data_world, zero_wrench);
// copyWrench(raw_data_tool, tf_data_tool, zero_wrench);
// }
// Apply thresholds
applyThreshold(tf_data_world.wrench.force.x, threshold.wrench.force.x);
applyThreshold(tf_data_world.wrench.force.y, threshold.wrench.force.y);
applyThreshold(tf_data_world.wrench.force.z, threshold.wrench.force.z);
applyThreshold(tf_data_world.wrench.torque.x, threshold.wrench.torque.x);
applyThreshold(tf_data_world.wrench.torque.y, threshold.wrench.torque.y);
applyThreshold(tf_data_world.wrench.torque.z, threshold.wrench.torque.z);
applyThreshold(tf_data_tool.wrench.force.x, threshold.wrench.force.x);
applyThreshold(tf_data_tool.wrench.force.y, threshold.wrench.force.y);
applyThreshold(tf_data_tool.wrench.force.z, threshold.wrench.force.z);
applyThreshold(tf_data_tool.wrench.torque.x, threshold.wrench.torque.x);
applyThreshold(tf_data_tool.wrench.torque.y, threshold.wrench.torque.y);
applyThreshold(tf_data_tool.wrench.torque.z, threshold.wrench.torque.z);
//ROS_INFO_STREAM("Callback time: " << tf_data_tool.header.stamp.toSec()-ros::Time::now().toSec());
when i test the gravity compensation as the ros wiki instructed,but i found no changes has happend,all of the topics have the same values.