Added rplidar_ros as submodule to this repository. rplidar_ros contains the package to run the new lidar.
Added code to sensors.launch to launch the new lidar and remap its topic from /scan to /scan_upper.
Added test launch script (rplidar_test.launch) to independently test new lidar.
The computer that will have a usb connection to the new lidar must have the port configured using udev rules.
Navigate to /etc/udev/rules.d
Create a file called 80-local.rules (if there is not one there already). 80-local.rules needs the following line in it to automatically configure the USB port for the new lidar whenever it is plugged in:
KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", MODE="0666"
sudo access is needed for creating/modifying 80-local.rules. (I used vim to do this.)
The lidar needs to be mounted such that the x axis in this diagram points to the front of Caffeine.
Sensor updates:
The computer that will have a usb connection to the new lidar must have the port configured using udev rules. Instructions:
Create a file called 80-local.rules (if there is not one there already). 80-local.rules needs the following line in it to automatically configure the USB port for the new lidar whenever it is plugged in:
KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", MODE="0666"
sudo access is needed for creating/modifying 80-local.rules. (I used vim to do this.)
The lidar needs to be mounted such that the x axis in this diagram points to the front of Caffeine.
Example output from new lidar: