Notice: Undefined index: password in /usr/UTRSgit/utrs/public_html/src/userObject.php on line 68
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UTRSDatabaseException' with message 'A database error occured when attempting to process your request:
array ( 0 => '23000', 1 => 1062, 2 => 'Duplicate entry \'\' for key \'email\, )' in /usr/UTRSgit/utrs/public_html/src/userObject.php:110 Stack trace: #0 /usr/UTRSgit/utrs/public_html/src/userObject.php(81): UTRSUser->insert() #1 /usr/UTRSgit/utrs/public_html/login.php(187): UTRSUser->__construct(Array, false, Array) #2 {main} thrown in /usr/UTRSgit/utrs/public_html/src/userObject.php on line 110
Notice: Undefined index: password in /usr/UTRSgit/utrs/public_html/src/userObject.php on line 68
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UTRSDatabaseException' with message 'A database error occured when attempting to process your request: array ( 0 => '23000', 1 => 1062, 2 => 'Duplicate entry \'\' for key \'email\, )' in /usr/UTRSgit/utrs/public_html/src/userObject.php:110 Stack trace: #0 /usr/UTRSgit/utrs/public_html/src/userObject.php(81): UTRSUser->insert() #1 /usr/UTRSgit/utrs/public_html/login.php(187): UTRSUser->__construct(Array, false, Array) #2 {main} thrown in /usr/UTRSgit/utrs/public_html/src/userObject.php on line 110