Open baloo opened 7 years ago
See - There is no way to get IPv6 until the underlying architecture allows it.
Nevertheless, thanks for creating this issue to remind us to follow-up on IPv6 support once the system allows us to implement it.
Plus, we might want to consider putting in a note to direct users appealing IPv6 blocks to e-mail the mailing list instead or some other option besides just "not working".
@Salvidrim out of curiosity (^^), may I ask which mailing I could send a request to? :)
It's in the footer of !
who reads footers nowadays ? (thank you very much)
I just looked at a ticket where someone is requesting the unblock of an IPv6 address by submitting a request from an IPv4 address via a random blocked account. It's a novel approach to the problem, for sure. Is there a timeline for IPv6 support?
(for reference, DoRD refers to ticket #20206)
Unfortunately @DoRD I don't really know more than what's written in (in which the last entry is you subscribing in August :p), perhaps asking there will get some better answers. It's not impossible that TParis or DQ might have more insight into the process
I've just filed a pull request (#145) to at least add a note to direct IPv6 blocked users to e-mail us instead of doing weird stuff like that
I am working on (workaround) support for both autoblocks and IPv6 today. Sadly I only got as far as dealing with the text and code for autoblocks and not testing autoblocks or touching ipv6. I'll continue on this project. Work is on the ipv6-autoblock branch.
The method at which i'm providing this support is simply to include an option to add their IPv6 address. Not sure if this will only be presented after submitting or not yet.
IPv6 (Roundabout) Support
I'm not sure where to report that, but does not have any ipv6 set up. Because it checks the users ip when submitting a form, one can not request a unblock for an ipv6 range if its ipv4 is not blacklisted either.
Maybe there is a better place to report such an issue, please let me know of any better place and I will comply.
Thank you