Closed ShrishtiSingh26 closed 1 month ago
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@UTSAVS26 Please assign me this issue I would be more than happy to contribute in this project Thank you!
@UTSAVS26 Please assign me this issue I would be more than happy to contribute in this project Thank you!
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Project Description
This project is a machine learning solution for classifying objects detected by a SONAR signal as either a rock or a mine. SONAR (Sound Navigation and Ranging) is often used in underwater detection systems, and it can be challenging to accurately identify whether the detected object is a harmless rock or a dangerous mine. This project aims to build a machine learning model to predict the classification of the object based on the characteristics of the SONAR signal.
Project Workflow:
Data Collection: Load the SONAR dataset. Data Exploration and Preprocessing: Explore the data structure and summary statistics. Handle missing or inconsistent data (if applicable). Encode categorical labels ('R' and 'M') into numerical form. Feature Selection: Assess feature importance or correlation with the target label. Model Selection: Choose algorithms like Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Decision Trees, Random Forest, or Support Vector Machines (SVM). Model Training: Train selected models on the training dataset. Model Evaluation: Evaluate the models using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and confusion matrix. Hyperparameter Tuning: Optimize the model using techniques like GridSearchCV or RandomizedSearchCV.
Full Name
Shrishti Singh
Participant Role
Contributor in GSSOC -extd and Hacktoberfest