UU-Hydro / PCR-GLOBWB_model

PCR-GLOBWB (PCRaster Global Water Balance) is a large-scale hydrological model intended for global to regional studies and developed at the Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht University (Netherlands). Contact: Edwin Sutanudjaja (E.H.Sutanudjaja@uu.nl).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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(some) files not being read from openDAP #26

Open BSchilperoort opened 9 months ago

BSchilperoort commented 9 months ago

Hi, I am Bart, RSE at the eScience Center. I am currently working on getting the newest versions of PCR-GLOB to work with eWaterCycle.

For this I have created a Docker container which packages this model with grpc4bmi. You can view that here (as a text file): Dockerfile.txt.

Things seem to mostly work, until I am trying to initialize the model. Note that I am using version 2.4.0, with the setup_30min.ini config file.

After 25 seconds of initialization (and network activity indicating that files are downloaded using opendap), the model fails with the following error:

    No such file or directory: '/home/bart/ewatercycle/output/pcrglobwb_20231206_095919/global_30min/initialConditions/non-natural/consistent_run_201903XX/1999/interceptStor_forest_1999-12-31.nc'"

Which is strange, because the global_30min/... part is supposed to come from the input directory, and not the output directory right?

The global options on the ini are as following:

outputDir = /home/bart/ewatercycle/output/pcrglobwb_20231206_095919
cloneMap = /home/bart/ewatercycle/parameter-sets/pcrglobwb_rhinemeuse_30min/cloneMaps/RhineMeuse30min.map
inputDir = https://opendap.4tu.nl/thredds/dodsC/data2/pcrglobwb/version_2019_11_beta/pcrglobwb2_input/
BSchilperoort commented 9 months ago

I think it goes wrong on the following line in the BMI:
