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increment version number on CITATION.cff #1534

Closed BeritJanssen closed 2 months ago

BeritJanssen commented 2 months ago

To keep version numbers up to date in CITATION.cff, I thought to update the version number upon every merge to master. This may only a partial solution for keeping CITATION.cff up to date, as the doi from zenodo will still point to the old version. BUT we may use the overarching DOI for I-Analyzer, 10.5281/zenodo.10261620, which seems to point to the latest version always. NB this solution uses sed, which has its own regex syntax. [[:digit]] is equivalent to \d, and {1,} means "one or more matches"

lukavdplas commented 2 months ago

Is the motivation of this workflow that we won't need to update the citation file manually?

BeritJanssen commented 2 months ago

Yes, precisely.

lukavdplas commented 2 months ago

Ah, ok! To be honest, I don't personally see a need for that automation. Going through all the steps of a release takes 30 minutes on a good day, and this is a really trivial step. But I have no objection to it either.

Comments on execution:

Some suggestions for consistency:

BeritJanssen commented 2 months ago

Ah, good points. Triggering the workflow on push to release (and hotfix?) branches will also mean we'll integrate the changed citation file in develop and main/master both. Will update that & also automate the date. Should I additionally change CITATION.cff to point to the top-level I-Analyzer doi, rather than the latest version? I can also update the manual's link to that page (which lists all the versions). Now the manual points to an outdated version, indeed.

lukavdplas commented 2 months ago

Should I additionally change CITATION.cff to point to the top-level I-Analyzer doi, rather than the latest version? I can also update the manual's link to that page (which lists all the versions). Now the manual points to an outdated version, indeed.

Yes! :+1:

BeritJanssen commented 2 months ago

Turns out the doi in the CITATION file was already correct, the badge on our repo page is too. So only adjusted the link in the documentation.

lukavdplas commented 2 months ago


Two more (small) comments:

BeritJanssen commented 2 months ago

I thought that the release or hotfix branch would always be pushed, as that's the one we'd be testing on the test server prior to merging it to master & develop. Doesn't git flow release publish, as mentioned in the documentation do a push?

Good comment about committing when there is no change - but if you do git commit -a -m "some message" without any changes, git won't create a commit but respond "nothing to commit, working tree clean".

lukavdplas commented 2 months ago

I thought that the release or hotfix branch would always be pushed, as that's the one we'd be testing on the test server prior to merging it to master & develop. Doesn't git flow release publish, as mentioned in the documentation do a push?

True, but that section of documentation also suggests you publish the branch for one specific purpose. If there is another reason to publish the branch, it doesn't hurt to mention it, I think.