UUDigitalHumanitieslab / I-analyzer

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Corpus 404 handling #1576

Open lukavdplas opened 1 month ago

lukavdplas commented 1 month ago

When you navigate to a url like ianalyzer.hum.uu.nl/search/not-a-real-corpus you get redirected to the login screen, and an alert says "You do not have access to this corpus. Log in as an authorized user."

This always happens, regardless of whether the corpus exists or whether you are logged in or not.

While it is possible that an anonymous users can solve their problem by logging in, there are other scenarios where logging in would not solve the user's problem.

The redirect to the login screen is especially confusing if you are logged in already (as it suggests you are not).

In either case, if your account cannot access the corpus (because it does not exists or you are not authorised), logging in will not help. Also, after succesfully entering your credentials, you will be "stuck" in this screen; after logging in, you get redirected back the login screen again.


Make an "Corpus not found" page with contents like:

I-analyzer cannot find a corpus named "not-a-real-corpus". It's possible that this corpus does not exist, or that you do not have access to it. What do you want to do?

  • Sign in
  • View available corpora
  • Contact an administrator

Some notes: