UUDigitalHumanitieslab / readit-interface

Public interface for READ-IT
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Source data model #444

Open BeritJanssen opened 3 years ago

BeritJanssen commented 3 years ago

Since we'll have sources from various platforms, we need to make sure that the interface can handle them. Necessary steps:

jgonggrijp commented 3 years ago

Related: #390.

jgonggrijp commented 3 years ago

This is the input I have gather so far on Slack. I consider this stage complete.

Field Status quo Gustavo (social media) Claire (bibliography) Alessio (crowdsourcing ontology, subset of schema:MediaObject) Guillaume (scraped reviews)
title required desirable schema:title page_title (optional, generally same as book_name)
author required optional (anonymization) author
editor optional optional
fulltext required necessary text
screenshot/rendering absent necessary (eventually)
language required necessary schema:inLanguage language
source type required, book/article/review/social media post/web content/other necessary
publication date required necessary (tweet date) optional, free-form text, "creation date" more appropriate for archival resources date_text (free-form)
publisher optional optional/irrelevant optional
URL optional optional (anonymization) schema:identifier url
repository absent desirable, free-form (usually archive, location, collection, call, fasc, folio)
format absent schema:encodingFormat
thumbnail absent schema:thumbnailURL
book author absent book_author_name
book title absent book_name
date of retrieval absent date_of_scrapping

Desirable sources to import from

Regarding consolidation, some preliminary ideas:

jgonggrijp commented 3 years ago

@JeltevanBoheemen I think we can merge #86 into this by just adding a public yes/no field.

JeltevanBoheemen commented 3 years ago

Good idea, I'll add it to the datamodel.