UVA-DSI / Open-Data-Lab

an initiative to provide infrastructure for reproducible workflows around open data
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document 13 TB S3 bucket data transfer from HMTT #94

Open alonzi opened 5 years ago

alonzi commented 5 years ago

[//]: # "======================= Instructions for posting issues: (1) Review what is already there. Perhaps a comment to an existing issue would be more appropriate than opening a new one? Issues can be opened on various things, e.g. to report a bug, an idea, a cry for help, a to-do, to post a question or to launch a discussion. (2) Write your post (below this text blob) using Markdown (as per https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/ ) or just plain text. (3) Don't worry about these introductory lines - you can leave or delete them, as they won't display anyway (you can check this via Preview). (4) Hit the 'Submit new issue' button. ============================" fill out details of HMTT data transfer here: https://github.com/UVA-DSI/Open-Data-Lab/blob/master/aws/large_s3_transfer/README.md