UVASGD / spring-2017-the-big-dungeon

spring-2017-the-big-dungeon created by GitHub Classroom
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Bug Bounty Program #79

Open ReidBix opened 7 years ago

ReidBix commented 7 years ago

For those that don't know how or don't want to program on Crunch Night (or do whatever else they want), you can be pseudo-testers and just try to batter the shit out of the current programs (although do please wait until Friday to do so). Any bugs found should be put as a comment in this thread and/or added as a list element in this. Try to notify the person who you think might know the most about the bug/program about the bug when you find it (in person during crunch night if possible).


willwill96 commented 7 years ago

Bug where you can't start/load game, exit from pause menu, then start/load again. When you try to move, log gives error

jherd23 commented 7 years ago

--Save menu opens when using pause menu near a save point. --Name does not appear on save file when the save file is saved in-game.