UVASGD / spring-2017-the-big-dungeon

spring-2017-the-big-dungeon created by GitHub Classroom
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Update Main Menu UI Activation #82

Open ReidBix opened 7 years ago

ReidBix commented 7 years ago

The current iteration of the MainMenuUI is a mix of different methods for activating and deactivating UI. I have learned over the weeks that turning it on and off by setting the main GameObject active through 'object.isActive(bool)'. However, some of the 'old' UI (Quit Menu, Options Menu, etc.) are relying on enabling and disabling the Canvas component. While everything 'technically' works, it's possible to have all of the gameobjects disabled (thus making it so that all the ugly menus don't stack on one another) and can still be enabled through the scripts (which cannot be done if enabling and disabling the canvas).

Suffice to say, update the activations by relying on the GameObject rather than anything else.