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Here are some questions #1

Open longdie opened 6 days ago

longdie commented 6 days ago

Hello, I encountered two issues while using the HOGraspNet dataset and hope you can help resolve them. Thank you in advance.

Issue 1: The link to download the scanned_obj_3D_models from the cloud drive (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lpud17kswi3dj6egtihbs/HOGraspNet_obj_models.zip?rlkey=d8hkdwieecp557gx39y0bc6tw&st=jxh42gsc&dl=0) shows that the item has been deleted.

Issue 2: According to the instructions provided in the README document, the download of the dataset keeps failing. The reason seems to be the instability of the shared link to the cloud drive.

For the above issues, I kindly request that you resolve them as soon as possible. Thank you very much!

UVR-WJCHO commented 5 days ago

Hello, sorry for providing the wrong information about our dataset.

Issue 1: We updated the 3D model link and full URL files link on Google Forms. Here is the updated 3D model link.


Issue 2: We have just tested the download script on multiple machines, but it seems the download status is fine. Could you give us a specific error or failed data name(sequence name)?

longdie commented 2 days ago

Thank you very much for resolving the model linking issue. However, after spending some more time on the dataset download problem, we are still unable to resolve it. Therefore, we have sent over the error message and hope you can help identify the cause of the download error. Thank you. 1f0f9a7254806ec86cb3b29675cd55d

UVR-WJCHO commented 1 day ago

We still failed to reproduce your error in internal/external/VPN environment and the dropbox links looks fine. As the ConnectionResetError raises from disconnection on any server or client, it might be your internet connection issue(Firewall or VPN).

We are not sure but commited a single delay code before the requests.get, so please pull and try again; also, you might try another header in scripts/util/utils.py line 81

Also, would you try any of the Dropbox links in assets/urls/*.txt on an external source (e.g., Chrome, Explorer)? If the link doesn't work, it is not a problem of codes. If the link works, you might try to upgrade the request, urllib3 package version.

We are sorry for not being able to provide you with accurate feedback, as we failed to reproduce the error. Please update the following status.

longdie commented 9 hours ago

Hello, thank you very much for your help. We have successfully resolved the data download issue.

However, we now have a question regarding the 'hand' section in the labeling_data folder's JSON files. Is the order of the 21 keypoints in "3D_pose_per_cam" given as follows? If not, could you please provide us with the correct order? Thank you.

Hand joints are organized as follows: [Wrist, TMCP, IMCP, MMCP, RMCP, PMCP, TPIP, TDIP, TTIP, IPIP, IDIP, ITIP, MPIP, MDIP, MTIP, RPIP, RDIP, RTIP, PPIP, PDIP, PTIP], where ’T’, ’I’, ’M’, ’R’, ’P’ denote ’Thumb’, ’Index’, ’Middle’, ’Ring’, ’Pinky’ fingers.

UVR-WJCHO commented 8 hours ago

Glad to hear that you have resolved the data download issue.

Every data related to hand joints has order as follows: [Wrist, TMCP, TPIP, TDIP, TTIP, IMCP, IPIP, IDIP, ITIP, MMCP, MPIP, MDIP, MTIP, RMCP, RPIP, RDIP, RTIP, PMCP, PPIP, PDIP, PTIP]

We found that our visualization code does not include the joint visualization, so we will update the visualization code and docs/data_structure.md as soon as possible, including the joint order information. Thank you.