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Documenting Motor Controller #36

Closed chadjmccolm closed 6 years ago

chadjmccolm commented 6 years ago


We don't have a solid documentation for how the motor controller works with the rest of the car and I would like to know:

Our controller is a Kelly Controls KDH14601E. All information can be found online as it is still an active product.


The following are desired outcomes of this investigation:

Related Issues

This will come together with #17 Wiring Schematic Cleanup to increase the validity and accuracy of the wiring harness so that we have 0 issues down the road.

kurtiswoods commented 6 years ago


Pages 8,9,10 are the pin diagrams explaining the output, input, signals, and currents for the J1 and J2 pins

kurtiswoods commented 6 years ago

3ca71b5e-f7e9-44f6-a611-ed6f7438a543 b26d3c74-78fc-4488-a521-05fce952a1d6 201bb663-d8d7-4e6a-a04a-3184e48b2854

kurtiswoods commented 6 years ago

And this might already be known but I’ll throw it in anyways for the RS232 port — “Configurable and programmable with a host computer though RS232 or USB. Provide free GUI which can run on Windows XP/2000, Windows 7 and Vista(recommend using Kelly Standard USB To RS232 Converter).“

UVicFormulaHybrid commented 6 years ago

I have unearthed this email confirming that our controller is rated for 500VDC: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H4KAorWFNJrISrr2Zw_n9ERj4ZBQ4eDVmgzVubcDKrc/edit?usp=sharing

chadjmccolm commented 6 years ago

Motor controller must be wired into the car as follows for forward only motion: J2: Pins 1 and 2 for power and ground must be given 12V. Pin 5 must be hooked to a 0-5V analog signal for throttle. Pin 6 must be hooked to a 0-5V analog signal for brakes. Pin 9 is used to activate the brake input. J1: 10 and 11 must be hooked to CAN high and low.

This has been tested and function confirmed.