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Recreating FB Marketplace for Students - UVic SENG499 Capstone Project
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Create email server base project #21

Open kylestang opened 4 weeks ago

kylestang commented 4 weeks ago

Feature Description

We need to make an email server project and docker setup

Problem You're Trying to Solve

We need to send recovery emails

Related External Resources


MNThomson commented 3 weeks ago

Potential to use SMTP2GO which has a good free plan. Self hosting email sucks. My thought would be to implement an endpoint on the datalayer that then sends the email somewhere. So either to SMTP2GO if we have an ENV VAR set or just echo'd out to the logs if not (saves us on sending a bunch of emails in load tests, etc)

MNThomson commented 3 weeks ago

Per conversation with @kylestang & @Scott-Kenning, we will create an internal api endpoint on the datalayer:

POST /api/email
{"recipient": "EMAIL@ADRESS", "subject": "SUBJECT", "body": "BODY OF EMAIL"}

This endpoint will then route the email to a legitimate SMTP server (in production) or console log the email contents (in development)