UVicMartletplace / martletplace

Recreating FB Marketplace for Students - UVic SENG499 Capstone Project
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Julian/backend92 mfa #219

Open islandj123 opened 3 days ago

islandj123 commented 3 days ago


Adds two endpoints for MFA, one for enabling MFA on a user account and and another for verifying a totp token once the secret key has been saved/established.

Currently has no integration with login/JWT sessions.

Closes #92

How to Test

Post to /api/user/enable-mfa with a body containing the relevant email address to store secret key in user table and return an encoded image of QR code + the secret key itself

Post to /api/user/verify-mfa with a body containing email address and the totp token to check if the totp is valid
