UVicMartletplace / martletplace

Recreating FB Marketplace for Students - UVic SENG499 Capstone Project
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arun/christian/57-recommender-api-endpoint-fixes #242

Closed arunalex62 closed 3 months ago

arunalex62 commented 3 months ago


The recommender output for /api/get/recommendations does not follow the API spec outlined in the shared API agreement. The names of fields use snake_case, as opposed to camelCase, and some fields have different names (dateCreated vs created_at).

This must be corrected for the front end to access the recommenders's ListingSummary fields correctly.

Closes #57

How to Test

Go to the frontend view for recommendations and verify that all the fields appear, such as the image, seller name, title, price, and date created.
