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The Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Macroscale Hydrologic Model
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Array indexing bug in support/VIC.4.2.glacier #890

Closed anewman89 closed 5 years ago

anewman89 commented 5 years ago

Via slack discussion from @bartnijssen

The problem happens in: https://github.com/UW-Hydro/VIC/blob/support/VIC.4.2.glacier/src/glacier.c in int gl_volume_area(...). It turns out that the result of https://github.com/UW-Hydro/VIC/blob/support/VIC.4.2.glacier/src/glacier.c#L89-L91

// time scaling
                ice_area_new = ice_area_old +
                               (ice_area_temp - ice_area_old) * exp(stepsize / BAHR_T);

CAN be a negative values for ice_area_new (I don’t know what that would physically signify. If that is the case then bot_band, which gets set to -1 in https://github.com/UW-Hydro/VIC/blob/support/VIC.4.2.glacier/src/glacier.c#L106, never gets updated and it results in a negative array index in https://github.com/UW-Hydro/VIC/blob/support/VIC.4.2.glacier/src/glacier.c#L119-L130 in either line 121 (if GLACIER_OVERFLOW is TRUE) or line 129 (if GLACIER_OVERFLOW is FALSE). But negative array indices are not allowed I hear you protest - agreed, but since we do a lot of pointer arithmetic in C, I don’t think it is formally disallowed. The negative array index ends up clobbering something that should not be clobbered. Note that when I set GLACIER_OUTFLOW to FALSE and then replace line 129 with snow[iveg][0].gl_overflow = 0.; # instead of snow[iveg][bot_band].gl_overflow = 0.; then the model runs to completion on h2o (UW machine) Note that this is not the solution. @jhamman: Should ice_area_new be allowed to be negative or how should that be handled to prevent mass balance errors? If we do not allow it to go negative, then what should the corresponding value of bot_band be?

From @jhamman: I don’t think so. if (ice_vol > 0.0) (line 81) there should be a positive ice area.

GLACIER_OVERFLOW should only be non-zero (positive) when there are ice volume (area) exceeds the grid cell area (normalized). (edited)

From @bartnijssen Agreed - note that ice_area_temp = pow((ice_vol / BAHR_C), (1 / BAHR_LAMBDA)); (l.87) is not negative. The negative value happens in the time scaling a few lines later:

/ time scaling
                ice_area_new = ice_area_old +
                               (ice_area_temp - ice_area_old) * exp(stepsize / BAHR_T);

The exponent evaluates to a value very close to 1 (1.0000137) when you run at a three hour timestep, so the equation reduces to: ice_area_new = -0.0000137*ice_area_old + 1.0000137*ice_area_temp which ends up being negative if ice_area_temp is very small compared to ice_area_old. This would imply a big relative decrease in a glacier in a single time step, so perhaps the edge case when the glacier is very small??

From @jhamman yes, okay. I think we’ll just need work around this edge case. Easiest is to skip time scaling when negative values would occur. Alternatively we can just move the rest of the glacier to the snow pack in this case but that will be harder to deal with.

From @anewman89 If the glacier is really small, it seems reasonable to assume no time scaling, as the scaling constant could be considered infinite. Little volume/mass would imply little change in area, just reduction in depth?

From @jhamman I think this would be a fine way to move forward.