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Converting VIC ascii parameters to netcdf for image driver #61

Open lizaclark opened 7 years ago

lizaclark commented 7 years ago

When I run vic_utils grid_params --help, I get the usage, like I would expect, but if I run vic_utils grid_params soil_file.txt, I get the same usage that I would get from vic_utils --help. According to the grid_params help, the soil file is the only required input. the others are not optional? grid_params() doesn't seem to need these parameters. Either way, I would think that the vic_utils grid_params usage would print to the screen instead of the vic_utils usage.

ankur-srivastav commented 7 years ago

I am also facing the same issue. Any updates/workaround this issue? @lizaclark

solomonsg commented 5 years ago

I am facing this issue! did anyone solve this issue? this is how I am running it vic_utils grid_params Stehekin_soil.txt and this gives the same information as vic_utils -h I am also trying to convert the vic parameters to netcdf using tonic api using the example in https://vic.readthedocs.io/en/master/Documentation/Drivers/Image/Ascii_to_NetCDF_params/#option-2-using-the-tonic-api

if I am right i did this in python as (file name =file.py)

!/usr/bin/env python

from tonic.models.vic.grid_params import soil, snow, veg, veg_class, Cols, Desc, calc_grid, grid_params n_veg_classes = 11 root_zones = 3

Read the soil parameters

soil_dict = soil('/mnt/c/global_para/parameters/Stehekin_soil.txt', c=Cols(nlayers=3))

Read the snow parameters

snow_dict = snow('/mnt/c/PostDoc/VIC-Model/global_data_sets/global_para/parameters/Stehekin_snowbands.txt', soil_dict, c=Cols(snow_bands=5))

Read the veg parameter file

veg_dict = veg('/mnt/c/global_para/parameters/Stehekin_vegparam.txt', soil_dict, lai_index=False, veg_classes=n_veg_classes)

Read the veg library file

veg_lib = veg_class('/mnt/c/global_para/parameters/Stehekin_veglib.txt', skiprows=1)

Determine the grid shape

target_grid, target_attrs = calc_grid(soil_dict['lats'], soil_dict['lons'])

Grid all the parameters

grid_dict = grid_params(soil_dict, target_grid, version=version, veg_dict=veg_dict, veglib_dict=veg_lib, snow_dict=snow_dict)

Write a netCDF file with all the parameters

write_netcdf('/mnt/c/global_para/parameters/global_sol_params_vic5.nc', target_attrs, target_grid=target_grid, soil_grid=grid_dict['soil_dict'], snow_grid=grid_dict['snow_dict'], veglib_dict=veg_lib, veg_grid=grid_dict['veg_dict'], version='5.0.dev')

after running this as "python file.py" I am getting are:

  1. TypeError: veg() got an unexpected keyword argument 'lai_index'
  2. I removed lai_index as the data contains Lai, /tonic/models/vic/grid_params.py", line 1503, in veg ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
  3. TypeError: veg_class() got an unexpected keyword argument 'skiprows'
  4. target_grid, target_attrs = calc_grid(soil_dict['lats'], soil_dict['lons']) NameError: name 'calc_grid' is not defined
daverocks87 commented 4 years ago

I am also facing same issue.