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Attach geoplate_id to columns #176

Closed aazaff closed 5 years ago

aazaff commented 7 years ago

The columns route should also have a plate_id field.

jczaplew commented 7 years ago

How should situations in which a column crosses the boundary of two plates be handled?

aazaff commented 7 years ago

Ideally the columns should be redrawn not to cross geoplate boundaries. However, we can just return a list of geoplate_ids as an array in the interim.

cambro commented 7 years ago

It would be better to fix the column boundaries.

aazaff commented 7 years ago

We actually have a script to split features by their intersection with gplates (or some other polygon layer) as part of gplates-reconstruct. We could apply that script to algorithmically divide the columns. Though this might create very small "residual" columns from columns that only barely overlapped with another plate. This could be especially problematic near the coasts.

aazaff commented 5 years ago

I withdraw this issue because there are so many different plate models out there that there's no reason for Macrostrat to build a stance on this in.