UW-Macrostrat / macrostrat-api

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Expose mammals polygons? #184

Closed aazaff closed 7 years ago

aazaff commented 7 years ago

Since we already calculated the iucn mammals polygons, would it be worth it to offer as a route?

E.g., https://macrostrat.org/api/mammals?family=ursidae&fornat=geojson_bare?

jczaplew commented 7 years ago

If we expose it I would do so privately, i.e. the route would not show up at /api. I have mixed feelings about distributing data that is not ours, even if it is a derivative product.

aazaff commented 7 years ago

Up to you. Is it any different than exposing EarthByte stuff though?

aazaff commented 7 years ago

It seems that the current consensus is that this is not needed.