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Create .md files for Research pages #11

Open BGerwe opened 4 years ago

BGerwe commented 4 years ago

We need to backfill some events our members were involved in. Some examples would be attending conferences, earning awards, participating in outreach, etc.

Files will follow a similar template as in #2 Note that any bracketed (<>) item should be filled with item-specific information (e.g. "\" replaced with "Mapping oxygen vacancy profiles with frequency-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy")

Naming convention: yyyy-mm-dd-project.md

Contents in each file should follow

--- layout: project title: "\" handle: \ image: /assets/images/projects/\.svg category: project published: true tags: [\, \] --- {% include JB/setup %}


BGerwe commented 3 years ago

@giangtle put in good effort getting this one going.

To call this one done I would like to:

For each step above we should add a link to the Software section