UW-xDD / text2graph_llm

An experimental API endpoint to convert text to knowledge graph triplets.
MIT License
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Geolocation extraction #2

Closed JasonLo closed 6 months ago

JasonLo commented 6 months ago

Purpose: Extract geolocation from text.

JasonLo commented 6 months ago

Study: USMIN Mineral Deposit Database



JasonLo commented 6 months ago

Google geocoding caching limit:

3.4 Caching. Customer can temporarily cache latitude (lat) and longitude (lng) values from the Geocoding API for up to 30 consecutive calendar days, after which Customer must delete the cached latitude and longitude values. Customer can cache Geocoding API Place ID (place_id) values, in accordance with the Geocoding API Policies.

Source: https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/terms/maps-service-terms?_gl=1*qs0nlj*_ga*Nzc3MDA2NzY5LjE2OTY4OTE4NDM.*_ga_NRWSTWS78N*MTcwNzc2MTk5OS4zLjEuMTcwNzc2MjAwOC4wLjAuMA..

JasonLo commented 6 months ago

There are 3 approaches:

  1. From strart name and strat unit, Iain is working on this?
  2. Some llm prompting + geocoding API?
  3. SERPAPI https://serpapi.com/google-maps-api
JasonLo commented 6 months ago