UWB-Biocomputing / Graphitti

A project to facilitate construction of high-performance simulations of graph-structured systems.
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Test config files with static connections do not run #213

Closed jbrown725 closed 3 years ago

jbrown725 commented 3 years ago

Test config files with the connection class "ConnStatic" do not run unless one or both of the threshConnsRadius or connsPerNeuron parameters are set to 0. If both are nonzero, the program either segmentation faults at line 256 of AllSpikingSynapses or outputs an error to edges.txt and quits at line 262. The error it outputs looks like Delay Queue Error 0 idx22 iSync 0, with the number after idx sometimes being different.

This affects the following files:

VivekGandhi54 commented 3 years ago

I think there's an error in the bitwise queue initialization. AllSpikingSynapses::isSpikeQueue near line 236: delayQueue &= ~(0x1 << delayIdx);

If delayQueue is initialized to 0, then this will do nothing.

Then, in AllSpikingSynapses::preSpikeHit near line 260: (delayQueue & (0x1 << idx)) == 0 will always be true.