UWMadisonUcomm / uw-ui-toolkit

A web front-end toolkit based on Bootstrap for designing and developing modern, mobile-first websites for the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Apache License 2.0
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Publish to Maven Central #62

Closed nblair closed 9 years ago

nblair commented 9 years ago

Instead of publishing maven artifacts just to UW's internal repository, let's publish this artifact to Maven Central instead.

Sonatype has a guide to help get started. I'll open a JIRA task with them to get started and include @jnweaver. Are there any other individuals we should include with permission to publish? @jhanstra would any one from the MUM team be interested in having authorization?

nblair commented 9 years ago

Per discussion with @jnweaver, we'll want to include as part of this task a change to the groupId from edu.wisc.uc to edu.wisc.umark.

jhanstra commented 9 years ago

@nblair Tim L and Andrew both said they would like access if possible.

nblair commented 9 years ago

@jhanstra can you have both Tim L and Andrew comment on https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-13405?

nblair commented 9 years ago

@jnweaver and @jhanstra before Tim L and Andrew can push releases for this project, they'll need rights to push to this project as well. Can you put their github usernames in this thread, and @jnweaver can you give them push?

Once that's done, wheel on over to #67 and review the incoming changes to the pom.

Edit: writes/rights.

jnweaver commented 9 years ago

Will do as soon as I get their usernames.

nblair commented 9 years ago

Woohoo: http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails%7Cedu.wisc.umark%7Cuw-ui-toolkit%7C0.2.2-RC1%7Cjar

We're probably good to merge, we can handle the outstanding bits about permissions for others out-of-band.

jnweaver commented 9 years ago

Cool! Can you correct that one edu.wisc.uc groupId reference in PR #67? Then we can merge that.

nblair commented 9 years ago

I'll run the actual 0.2.2 release now.