UWNetworksLab / freedom

Embracing a distributed web
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Parse errors in providers are dropped/swallowed #16

Closed burg closed 10 years ago

burg commented 10 years ago

Test case: insert a syntax error into an identity provider that is provided asynchronously. There's no parse error in the console log; the only indication that something failed is the later stack trace when trying to instantiate the provider.

screen shot 2013-11-20 at 10 22 48 am

willscott commented 10 years ago

Yeah. the browsers don't give you a useful stack trace when there's a parse error when loading a script into a web worker with importScripts.

The easiest way to debug is to configure freedom to use port:"frame" temporarily to load the freedom containers into iframes rather than webworkers.

Will use this bug for tracking documentation and clearer error message for how to procede in this case, because it has come up several times.