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node servers should not be affected by latency more than chrome or firefox #2612

Open trevj opened 8 years ago

trevj commented 8 years ago

From https://github.com/uProxy/uproxy-docker/pull/96:

no obfuscation

0ms latency

chrome,14611 firefox,5781 node,1523

150ms latency

chrome,604 firefox,612 node,225


0ms latency

chrome,1289 firefox,1772 node,872

150ms latency

chrome,535 firefox,532 node,192

Summary of our work to fix this in Chrome: https://github.com/uProxy/uproxy/issues/1339

At the uProxy layer, this might be relevant too: https://github.com/uProxy/uproxy/issues/1563

agallant commented 8 years ago

A few more notes:

The man page has a particularly salient bit under socket options:

Turn on/off any Nagle-like algorithm. This means that packets are generally sent
as soon as possible and no unnecessary delays are introduced, at the cost of more
packets in the network. Expects an integer boolean flag.

So, possibly just figuring out how to properly set this while building may fix our issue. Otherwise, trying to copy the fix we did for Chrome into node is another path.

agallant commented 8 years ago

I think Nagle is already being disabled - https://github.com/js-platform/libwebrtc/blob/7848af36d86a4bbe8569693a1169123ad67c8905/talk/media/sctp/sctpdataengine.cc#L373

So, the fix may involve tuning buffer size - when we did that with Chrome, what was the ultimate resolution? Did we push upstream, or do we maintain our own config/build somewhere?

agallant commented 8 years ago

I think I found commits in the official webrtc repo corresponding to Lally's work mentioned in the prior Chrome issue - https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/webrtc/+log/master/?s=3480728

If those are the fixes, then all we need to is get the node-webrtc build process to be based on an adequately new libwebrtc (right now it's ca. 2014). I think it's worth trying to get this into the official node-webrtc, but we can probably figure it out ourselves first by building the library and then editing this - https://github.com/js-platform/node-webrtc/blob/develop/scripts/download-webrtc-libraries-and-headers.js

agallant commented 8 years ago

Possibly more relevant commit - https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/webrtc/+/5c6c6e026bbcc83ad546d00b41ab739dcc856c1b

Current plan of action - try to get node-webrtc building off newer webrtc.

agallant commented 8 years ago

So I think they actually are already building on newer-ish webrtc (the 2014 repo is just stale legacy). https://github.com/markandrus/build-webrtc/blob/43b972651326c2ea3872896cf170320bbd89bd46/config.default.json#L7-L11

May still try doing a custom build, but I'm less confident that it will change anything.

trevj commented 8 years ago

Right, AFAICT we're already running code that includes the fix.

Perhaps node-webrtc doesn't use that exact same code path? The figures are almost exactly match what we used to see in Chrome: https://github.com/uProxy/uproxy-lib/releases/tag/v35.0.0

Suggest we dig deeper into node-webrtc's "wrapping" C code.

trevj commented 8 years ago

FYI, here is the commit that seemed to fix Chrome: https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/webrtc.git/+/e8386d21992b6683b6fadd315ea631875b4256fb

agallant commented 8 years ago

Agreed re: the wrapping. https://github.com/js-platform/node-webrtc/blob/develop/src/peerconnection.cc is where I'm investigating from, and https://github.com/nodejs/nan may also be relevant.

trevj commented 8 years ago

I dug into build-webrtc itself, too.

Since the patch for Chrome essentially added a call to SignalReadyToSend, this seems relevant:

We might be able to hack a solution at the build-webrtc layer? Need to trace SignalReadyToSend a bit first.

trevj commented 8 years ago

This also seems relevant: https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/webrtc.git/+/master/webrtc/media/sctp/sctpdataengine.cc#368

Fired on our I/O thread. - What if there is no I/O thread on Node.js? Some printfs might help us answer that :-)

trevj commented 8 years ago

And where that callback is registered in usrsctplib: https://github.com/sctplab/usrsctp/blob/master/usrsctplib/user_socket.c#L1410

Again, we might even hack the callback at that level, avoid the whole I/O thread thing.

agallant commented 8 years ago

If it's threading related, another possibility is to increase the uv thread pool size - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22644328/when-is-the-thread-pool-used#22644735

Both https://github.com/js-platform/node-webrtc/blob/develop/src/datachannel.cc and https://github.com/js-platform/node-webrtc/blob/develop/src/peerconnection.cc make liberal use of libuv to deal with async and mutex lock/unlocking. According to the above link, libuv has a default thread pool size of 4, but can be increased e.g. process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = 10;.

Could be worth a shot, I'll read more about libuv in general in case there are other pertinent aspects.

trevj commented 8 years ago

Nice find!

I ran this command:

UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE=25 time node examples/stress.js

I didn't see an improvement but as discussed let's come up with a test where we can add latency between the peers.

rajasagashe commented 8 years ago

@trevj How are you running the chrome and firefox throughput tests?

rajasagashe commented 8 years ago

Also what are your units for the throughputs? When I'm running the stress send and receive as documented in the wiki it's taking ~13 seconds for the program to complete with 18mbps throughput.